13 February 2012

Agape and eros

That is the title of a book I'm reading. An old book and a classic, that compares and contrasts the concepts of eros (need-based love, the stuff of poetry, destructive lust, epic romance, a mixed bag of tragedy and triumph) and Agape, the Love of God that we are called to worship and to emulate.
An excerpt:
"Agape means the death, not of the self, but of self-centerdness, which is the deadliest enemy of true selfhood. Man realizes his true self just in so far as he lives by and in Agape. That is what he was created for by God, who IS Agape. Man cannot become what he is meant to be, so long as he is self-centered, taken up with himself. He needs to be taken out of himself, out of his cramping preoccupation with himself and his own affairs. And that is precisely what Agape does for him in so far as he accepts it."

A dear friend of mine once told me that I was the best informed person she knew; but that when it came to practical matters, others 'had me over a barrel.' She was right. I am even "well informed" about the love of God; but as a "practical" matter I have so much to learn and even more, to learn how to show it.
I will try to post more on this as I go along.

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